Do I Need a Rooster? Pros and Cons of Adding a Rooster to the Flock


Roosters are a necessary part of the flock for many chicken owners, but not all. This article will discuss the pros and cons of adding a rooster to your flock so that you can make an informed decision about how best to care for your chickens. But if you are looking for a quick answer, here it is:

Hens will lay eggs regardless of whether a rooster is present in her life, but they will need a rooster to fertilize them. Roosters also provide protection from predators and keep the hens in line with pecking order rules.

Let’s discuss the pros and cons of having roosters, so you can decide if you need one for your chicken flock.

Can You Have Chickens Without a Rooster?

A fundamental question that many new chicken owners ask is whether you can have chickens without a rooster.

The answer to this question depends on your purpose of keeping chickens. As mentioned, chickens do lay eggs without a rooster in their life, but if you plan on breeding chickens, you may want to have a rooster in the flock.

Some people also ask if they can just buy eggs for hatching because they want to avoid the downsides of keeping a rooster. And the answer to that question depends on why you want to breed baby chicks.

Perhaps you just want to enjoy caring for the little fluffy chicks. If that’s the case, then you can buy already fertilized eggs and hatch them in an incubator. But if you want to breed chicks from your own stock, you will certainly need a rooster. If you intend to be self-sufficient with eggs and meat, having a rooster would also be an essential part of keeping backyard chickens.

You could, in theory, keep a rooster with someone else’s chicken flock, but unlike many other animals, you can’t just bring him to your flock for one day of wild insemination. You will need to keep him with your ladies for about ten days before you can be fairly certain that most eggs are fertilized.

By doing that you will run the risk of bringing infectious diseases to or from your property when moving the rooster. This means he should be quarantined for at least 30 days every time he is moved. In reality, this is not a practical approach, and it won’t really solve the potential noise issues while the rooster is present.

Are Hens Happier Without a Rooster?

Although it’s difficult to know what chickens think, it’s possible that hens are actually happier with a rooster.

Roosters can be aggressive and noisy when they’re trying to attract females for mating. But they also protect them from predators and keep the dominating girls in line when the pecking order gets a little out of hand.

The rooster will also help the hens find food in the garden. Then a rooster finds food he will not keep it to himself but with loud clucks proclaim that he has found a delicious source of nutrients – like a mother hen to her chicks.

Roosters also give a sense of community to chickens by announcing that it’s feeding time. And they help keep everything running smoothly without too much internal fighting.

How Do Chickens Reproduce Without a Rooster?

Most hens have a powerful maternal instinct. They will brood on eggs regardless of whether they are their own or not – even duck or quail eggs. They will also lay on infertile eggs for well over a month before giving up. But without a virile rooster, your broody hen will eventually be sorely disappointed.

If you want to hatch baby chicks without an incubator, you can buy fertile eggs and put them under a broody hen. She will take care of the rest and raise the resulting chicks as her own.

Should I Get a Rooster for My Chickens?

If you don’t need a rooster for hatching chicks, what are the benefits outside of egg fertilization? Unless you have practical reasons not to, a rooster is generally a good idea. A rooster’s job often isn’t primarily to fertilize a hen’s eggs but to help in other areas of chicken keeping such as:

  • Providing protection against some predators. Their spurs are quite effective weapons against smaller predators.
  • Keeping the dominating girls in line when their battle for power gets too intense.
  • Soothing unruly or nervous hens during molting season.
  • Keeping your flock safe against some predators by virtue of his loud warning call.
  • Protecting and leading your flock from weather extremes, finding them a place to hide in emergencies.

However, there are also some cons to having a rooster on your property:

  • Roosters are loud, which could disturb people living nearby. The early morning crowing, in particular, can be a nuisance to some.
  • He might not always be nice to humans or to other animals, including dogs and cats. He might attack them or eat their food.
  • Two or more roosters can be aggressive towards each other and fight violently
  • Roosters don’t lay eggs, and they eat more than hens. If feed costs is an issue, you might not want a rooster
  • If you have just a couple of hens, a rooster can harm your hens by constantly mating with them. You will want about 6 to 10 hens before you introduce a rooster.
  • Roosters can be very aggressive towards young chickens and even kill them. It doesn’t matter if it’s his own offspring, you should always keep a mother hen and her chicks separated from roosters and other hens.

Do Roosters Sleep with the Hens?

Roosters will roost (pun not intended) in the chicken coop side by side with the hens. They will often sit in the middle with hens on both sides so that they can keep watch over the flock.

Will a Rooster Kill a New Hen?

Some roosters are aggressive towards newcomers, but most roosters will welcome any new hens, in my experience. He will often be inquisitive and try to mate with new flock members.

While roosters can be aggressive, they are also very protective of their own flock, and if a hen is introduced and accepted, he may even protect her against attacks from other hens.

How Do You Get a Rooster to Shut Up?

This is perhaps the most common question I hear. When they crow at the break of dawn, it can be very annoying to some people.

One way to keep him from being noisy before most people get up is to close the chicken coop and keep it dark until you are ready for his morning call. This way, they will continue sleeping until they see the light. However, you should also take care to ensure that the coop doesn’t get too hot and that there is still good ventilation.

Another common complaint is that the rooster makes too much noise when he’s out during the day. This is often caused by two or more roosters challenging each other. You can limit this by only having one rooster, but if he is calling on someone else’s rooster, then there is probably not much you can do.

Although you can buy or make an anti-crow collar, the collar can be made of plastic, metal, or rubber. They are designed to limit his ability to crow while still being able to breathe. Personally, I’m not a fan as I feel part of being a rooster is being able to crow loud and proudly, but you may feel otherwise.

If you do not want to use a rooster collar, there are very few things that will make them shut up entirely. Some individual roosters are much quieter than others, but there are no non-crow breeds. Roosters are loud animals, which is also what allows them to warn their hens of danger.

Do Roosters Hurt Hens When Mating?

Chicken mating can be a rough business. The rooster can hurt the hen if he gets too excited and starts to peck her or even kicks out with his feet while mating.

The most common injuries are to the back of the neck but can happen anywhere that is easy for him to reach. Hens that are mated often will have bald patches on their back and neck. This is why it’s important to have about 6 to 10 hens per rooster.

What Is the Friendliest Rooster?

The friendliest rooster is one that has been treated well. A rooster that has been petted and cared for since he got out of the egg is much more likely to be friendly when he grows up. Some roosters will be mean and nasty no matter what, but this is more often the exception than the rule.

Another factor is how you handle a rooster challenging you. If you let him “win” by running away, he will keep trying to dominate you. If you stand your ground and show him that he can’t push you around, then he’ll get the message. I have found that some roosters respond well to being fed treats, while others need you to pick them up and hold them for a while until they calm down.

One factor that may determine the temperament of your rooster is the breed. Some chicken breeds are naturally more friendly than others. Game chickens, which were bred for cockfighting, are more likely to be aggressive than breeds that were bred for egg or meat production. Some of the most friendly chickens are the large breeds like Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, and (my personal favorite) Australorp.

Having many roosters and too few hens may also cause roosters to become aggressive and mean. If roosters have to fight each other over the girls, they are much more likely to be mean to you and other animals. This doesn’t mean you can’t have two or more roosters, as long as there are enough hens for them to breed with. Two roosters can be the worst enemies, but they can also be the best friends who would rather spend time together than fight.

I also want to point out that most roosters are not aggressive towards humans or animals. They will protect the flock if they feel threatened, but most of them will not attack unprovoked.

In Conclusion

The decision to add a rooster to your backyard flock is ultimately up to you, but it’s worth taking the time to consider the pros and cons when making an informed choice. If you’re considering adding one or more roosters into the farm, make sure to consider how many hens are in your flock, what their purpose will be, and also talk with other chicken keepers who have had experience raising male and female chickens.


Hi, My name is Rasmus. I am a hobby "polytarian" and a backyard farmer. Ever since I was a baby, I have been surrounded by poultry of all kinds. This blog is my way of sharing what I have learned from my bird-crazy family, books, and my personal experience.

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