Have you ever seen a chicken with curly feathers and thought to yourself, “Now that’s a bird I’d like to get to know better?” Well, today is your lucky day! This blog post will tell you everything you need to know about Frizzle chickens and their sizzle and frazzle relatives.
What Are Frizzle Chickens?
Frizzle chickens are a breed of chicken that is characterized by their curly feathers. Frizzling occurs when the feathers do not lie flat against the body but instead curl at the ends and stand out in all directions (kind of like when you have a bad hair day).
The feathers of a Frizzle chicken breed can be slightly curled, or they can be so curly that they kinda look like fur. While most Frizzle chickens are white, they can also be found in a variety of other colors, including black, blue, buff, silver, partridge, and red.

Frizzle chickens have been around for centuries, and while they are classified as a breed in some countries, they are considered to be a plumage variety in others (including in the United States).
While they are not the most common chicken breed, they are certainly one of the most unique. Like any other chicken, Frizzle chickens are active and curious birds, and they make excellent pets.
And while they are still easy to care for, they do require a bit extra care compared to ordinary chickens. If you are looking for a chicken that is sure to stand out from the flock, then the Frizzle chicken is a great choice.
What Causes Frizzling in Chickens?
Frizzling is caused by a dominant gene that affects the way the feathers grow. Although the exact mechanism of the gene is not fully understood, it is thought that the gene alters the structure of the feather shaft in such a way that it prevents the feathers from lying flat against the body.
As Frizzles are not one distinct breed, they can be Frizzle bantams or large fowl, and they can come from virtually any breed of chicken, such as Cochin, Polish, and Silkie.
What Is a Frazzle Chicken?
Frazzle chickens are frizzled chickens with overly curled feathers that are thin, sparse, and which fall out easily. This fowl is the result of breeding two chickens that both possess the frizzling gene.

While their appearance might be comical, these birds are not ideal for most keepers as they lack the necessary insulation and protection from the cold. Their feathers are so brittle that they are constantly shedding, leaving them vulnerable to the elements.
Frazzle chickens are also prone to several other health conditions – as a result, frazzles typically have a shortened lifespan and experience a great deal of suffering.
During the colder months, frazzles should be kept indoors due to their susceptibility to cold weather. They are also more likely to get bullied by other chickens.
What Is a Sizzle Chicken?
Sizzles chickens are crosses between a frizzled rooster and a Silkie hen, so you get the same black or bluish skin and down-like silkie feather genes, except they’re curled.
Like most other Silkies, Sizzle chickens are very friendly, make good mothers, and are excellent layers of small-ish eggs. They come in a wide range of colors, including black, blue, buff, grey, and white feathers.
Despite their small appearance and full look, Sizzles are healthy birds but somewhat more sensitive to wet, hot, and cold weather.
Sizzles are a relatively new breed, having only been bred in the United States in the early 21st century. However, they’ve recently become popular due to their unique appearance and pleasant personality. If you’re looking for a charming backyard chicken, then a Sizzle might be the perfect fit for you.
What Is the Difference Between a Frizzle and a Sizzle Chicken?
The main difference between a Frizzle and a Sizzle chicken is that Frizzles can be any breed with the Frizzle gene, while Sizzle is always a Silkie chicken with this same gene.
In other words: Sizzles are a Silky variety of Frizzles, just like a Polish carrying the Frizzle gene is a Polish Frizzle.
Besides their different outer appearance, a Sizzle hen is basically a Silky hen with typical Silky traits: They lay eggs, are good mothers, and make great pets due to their calm nature.
The Benefits of Having a Frizzle Chicken
There are many benefits to having one or more frizzle chickens!
- First of all, they’re very cute – who doesn’t love those frizzled feathers?
- Secondly, they’re great for showing off – whether you’re taking them to the county fair or just showing them off to your neighbors, everyone will be excited about your frizzle breed!
- And lastly, they lay eggs just like any other chicken – so you’ll get all the benefits of fresh eggs and meat that other ordinary chickens provide.
Breeding Your Own Frizzle Chickens
If you’re interested in getting your own frizzle chicken, there are a few things you need to know first.
First of all, frizzling is a dominant genetic trait – so if you want frizzy chicks, you’ll need a parent bird who carries the gene. Because this is not a common gene, there aren’t many frizzle chickens for sale – so expect to pay a bit more for them than you would for other breeds of chick.
When you have your breeding bird, you can then you can breed them with any breed that doesn’t contain the frizzle gene. The chicks you get will either have that gene or not.
The gene responsible for the frizzle feather mutation is incompletely dominant, meaning that if only one copy of the gene is present, it will only partially affect the appearance of the feathers. This is what we want.
Most breeders do not intentionally breed two Frizzle chickens, as this would result in one of four chicks being of the previously-mentioned Frazzle offspring with a weaker health and less aesthetically pleasing coat. Therefore, it’s a good idea to separate frizzled roosters and hens when breeding.
Instead, most breeders choose to breed normal hens with Frizzles, which results in a mixture of chicks that are 50% frizzled and 50% non-frizzled. This approach also helps to ensure that the chicks inherit the best qualities from both parent breeds.
Caring For Frizzle Chickens
A Frizzle chicken generally needs the same care that any other chicken does: a balanced diet, a warm place to sleep, and access to fresh water. However, they also need some (not a lot) extra attention due to their unique feathering.
Extra Care in Extreme Weather
While they may look like they’re made for cold weather, Frizzles are actually a little more vulnerable to the cold. Because their feathers are not as closely packed together as those of other chicken breeds, frizzles are more likely to experience chilling in cold weather.
Furthermore, their feathers do not work as well at repelling water, which means that they are more susceptible to hypothermia if they get wet on a cold day. This doesn’t mean you have to keep them in a heated coop, but you should be aware that they may need extra protection if the weather gets very cold in your area. Make sure to provide them with extra bedding and a chicken coop that is sufficiently sheltered from the wind.
Head Feathering
It’s also important to keep an eye on their head feathers. Some Frizzle chickens have more feathering over their eyes than others, which may look cute but can actually interfere with their ability to see potential dangers, such as predators or cars coming down the road.
It can also stress them out if they can’t see what’s going on around them. In addition, the feathers can make it hard for a Frizzle chicken to preen properly, which can lead to health problems.
If necessary, you can trim the tips of their head feathers to make sure vision is not impaired. This is a relatively simple process that won’t hurt the chickens, and it can make a big difference in their safety and comfort.
Clean the Coop More Often
Finally, Frizzle chickens tend to get dirty more easily than other chickens – even when they’re not actively playing in the mud. This is because their fluffy feathers are more prone to collecting dust and dirt particles. Not only does this look unsightly, but it can also lead to health problems if the Frizzle’s feathers are not clean and dry.
To keep your Frizzles clean and healthy, make sure to clean the coop more often than you would for other chickens. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be a huge chore. Simply removing poop and wet bedding every few days and adding new straw or wood chips can help keep the coop clean and your Frizzles happy.
In Summary
Frizzle chickens, sizzle chickens, and frazzle chickens are all unique varieties of poultry with different looks and personalities. While a Frizzle can be any breed with the Frizzle gene, Sizzles are always Silkie chickens with the Frizzle gene. Frazzles, on the other hand, should probably not be kept due to their poor health and shortened lifespan.
These chickens are truly something special – they sizzle up your backyard with their unique feathery look. If you’re looking for a fun and interesting addition to your flock, consider getting a frizzle chicken.
If you’re interested in breeding your own frizzle chickens, you’ll need to find a breeding bird that carries the gene and breed them with another that doesn’t. As most breeders do not intend to mate two Frizzles together, it’s recommended to separate Frizzle roosters and hens when breeding. By doing this, you can ensure healthy chicks with the best qualities from both parent breeds.
Keep in mind that these birds are more sensitive than other chickens and may require a bit more care during cold weather or when their head feathers get in the way of their vision. With the proper care and attention, they will reward you with their unique look and personalities.